Men rejoice! Grey hair is no longer merely a signifier of old age, with grey tones and silver locks colouring hair from the roots to the tips of progressively younger generations. Whether it is natural or coloured in, grey is making a statement in hair style – starting with Anderson Cooper and George Clooney as the original purveyors of a seductively light grey, this colour is now making waves with newer names such as popstar Zayn Malik, or Olympic freestyle skier Gus Kenworthy.
Getting into Grey
Shades of grey have been popular in recent years for the ladies, but only recently have men begun adopting this colour before age has a chance to do them a major favour. With the “more on top” styles of undercuts, buzzing down the sides while leaving inches of length on top, hair colour has shifted away from the simple frosted tips that were so popular in the days of MTV Live @ Spring Break circa 1995 – Timberlake, Aaron Carter, and Zach Efron were among the last to rock that fad until the drunken stupor faded away and the only one left was Guy Fieri with flames riding up his collared shirts. Instead, expect that grey is here to stay. It is a natural tone, and it will be a fact of life for many as time flies by. These older styles and colours are making for a distinguished look of wisdom for younger and older generations alike. Who needs to wait for middle-age when the sexiest men’s style just takes a trip to the best barber parlour – Plan B Hair Co.!
Image Source: Instagram user silberfuchsnyc
How to Style Grey Hair?
Get your Jack Frost on knowing that this style compliments short to medium length hair with ease – just steer clear of the shiny pomades or gels as they will bring the yellow hues out, or cause the lighter shades of grey to appear greasy, avoid this at all costs! Blonde tips are out, so to those thinking of trying this colour on their own, be warned that these colours will end up yellow or orange if not administered correctly. That’s why you’ve got us! With the top-shelf product and a truly talented team, you can put your faith in us when it comes to cuts and colours.
If one thing is for sure, it is that grey is trending hard! Staying ahead of the curve is our business, so if you want to join us with the sex appeal of legends, colouring in a bit or a lot of grey might just be what is in-store for you. Of course, to capitalize on this style you’ll need the trim to go with it, so think about the modern classic styles – the undercut is a play on an old favourite, the same is true for many of the freshest styles hitting the streets these days, with slim sides that contrast the extra length on top.
Image Source: Instagram user therefinery1559
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